Chartered Physiotherapist specialised in Veterinary Physiotherapy

Referral Form


Good Life Animal Physiotherapy is dedicated to the provision of physiotherapy for the needs of all animals in the South East of England.

This mobile service allows advanced veterinary physiotherapy assessment and treatments to be provided at a time to suit you following a referral from your vet.

Treatment Options

Treatments will be individualised to each animal and findings from the assessment. Treatment options include:

- Joint manipulation and mobilisation techniques

- Soft tissue massage techniques including myofascial release and trigger point therapy

- Reflex inhibition using the animals natural reflexes to stimulate movement

- Stretches

- Rehabilitation exercise programmes including stretching and strengthening exercises

- Electrotherapy, commonly NMES (neuromuscular electrical stimulations), TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) , Ultrasound and LED laser and laser therapy.

- Taping

- Advice and education for long term management

- Advice for other services if indicated including water treadmill and saddlery.

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